Ulrich Hottelet (Freelance Journalist)
Almstadtstraße 22
10119 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 437 355 91
E-Mail: ulrich@hottelet.de
PGP: 0xA06F5A28
Fingerprint: C676 CCDC C424 640E 815B 535D CDBF E94A A06F 5A28
Please take a look at my services and my resume.
Articles in English
- No pressure Germany, but the world is watching (Work, June 2016)
How Europe's 'efficient Teutonic machine' will cope in the digital future - Germany's privacy advantage (The Economist Intelligence Unit, April 2016)
The country's culture of strong data protection may prove to be a competitive advantage in the digital economy - Badly secured: The car industry under (cyber)attack (automotiveIT international, January 2016)
- Electricity Storage: A Cornerstone for the New World of Energy (Living Energy, Siemens customer magazine, December 2014)
- German Brew (Scientific American Worldview, June 2012)
Berlin-Brandenburg is a center for biotech innovation - Knights of Fortune by Design (Footwear News, September 2005)
Retail Profile: Trippen shoes - Hip, Trendy and Young - Bread & Butter Berlin Booms (Footwear News, July 2004)